The second edition of Prof. Bob D. Guenther's book “Modern Optics” has been published. Originally published with Wiley, the second edition has been printed by Oxford University Press. The book was developed over a period of more than 20 years teaching optics at Duke University.
B. D. Guenther
- Solutions manual available on request from the OUP website
- Most up-to-date treatment available on modern optics
- Provides an overview of the topics and an introduction to design practices for a number of applications
- Problem sets provided develop skills in applying subject matter
- Numerous images faciliate understanding of maths used in the text
- Introduction to design techniques leads into acousto-optics, medical imaging, lens design and thin film design
New to this Edition:
- Discussion of photonic crystals integrated with coverage of holography.
- Added discussion of surface plasmons, quasi phase matching discussion exapanded, optical activity discussion enhanced.
- Benefits from new computational imaging used.
- Higher Order Gaussian modes and Bessel Beams provided.